Sunday 19 August 2007

My own classroom

The keyring still said Alicia on it, but it was mine.

Room 24.

I opened the door slowly and walked in. Tables covered in dust sheets, a globe (great), fans on the ceiling, teacher’s desk in the corner… I went over and sat down. At my desk.

‘Wow... This is my desk’ I said to myself. ‘My classroom’.

I sat for a while in a daze looking around and around. A big smile on my face and forcing myself to breathe. I felt simultaneously excited and terrified.
Panic as I counted in my head. Only three days to change this place from a dusty packed up room to a lively, attractive classroom. I felt like I’d forgotten everything I knew about teaching.

‘Let’s see if the computer works’, I said to myself. It did. And the internet, and the printer and even iTunes!

Grabbed some CDs from the car and got to work. Within half an hour I was happily knee deep in papers, my head full of possible seating arrangements and display ideas.


rebecca flynn said...

Oh the things that will happen and grow in Room 24!! !!!! Hooray! When can we do a roadtrip in the Kia? Do u get breaks?

Topsy said...

yes!!! Xmas or Easter?