Saturday 11 August 2007

Chayo's question

The other day I went to the most fantastic shop in 'downtown' San Salvador. It's called the Tienda Morena and is plastic paradise. I bought plastic crates, plastic boxes, plastic colander, salad bowls, veg rack, washing up bowl, buckets... everything you need for setting up a new house... and of course a whole load of plastic toys for Chayo.

Back at the house: me happily putting stuff into my boxes and crates and trying to rub off the large permanent pen black 0.45 or 0.60 written on each item (I later discovered that nail varnish remover does the trick)... and Chayo happily playing with swords, magnetic letters, super hero figures and spidermen, he decided to ask me to read him what it said on each toy, including all the others that his Salvadorean aunty and grandma had bought him since getting here... 'Made in China' I said again and again... and again...

'Mum' he said, 'Why is everything here made in China?'


Anonymous said...

Hi Topsy. Glad you, Chayo and the toys have made it safe and sound. Look forward to reading your blog.


rebecca flynn said...

so how did you answer that one? great question, chayo! :)

David Trent said...

elly says "I don't know, China things should be made in China shouldn't they"

She seems to have missed the point somewhat.

The answer is "because that's where it's made. Stop being so stupid."